

Being the Coeliac, the Gluten-Free one...

Around 8 weeks ago I was diagnosed as being Coeliac. 

To most people who have heard of this disease, will presume that you have a gluten allergy. They will presume that you just have to avoid gluten and that if you eat it you will have an allergic reaction and then you will be ok. To some people its just a 'fad' or a 'craze' that you have decided to jump on the bandwagon with.

Well, here's how it really is: The Real Deal 

Around 6 months ago I started to feel terribly depressed and anxious, I kept having upset stomach and feeling unwell. I would be so exhausted when I woke up in the mornings I felt like I could have gone back to bed for a week, and that was on a full nights sleep.
I couldn't work out what was wrong with me, so I just put up with all the symptoms and presumed it was just something that would pass eventually.

In April, after feeling pretty much drained of energy since before Christmas, I decided to research some of my symptoms (not the wisest thing to do)  but after watching a you tube video of a Coeliac sufferer, whom had been unwell with similar symptoms I decided to make an appointment with the GP to have a coeliac blood test.

2 weeks later.... I had my results, I was in fact diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. I made my nest appointment with the doctor and was told that for the rest of my life I must not consume gluten, as what I have isn't an allergy but a auto immune disease.
I walked out of the GPs with an A4 print out of what Coeliac Disease was and was told to remove gluten from my diet for the rest of my life. There was no support from the NHS or healthcare providers from that moment.

After cutting gluten out of my diet, I began to feel well again and the brain fog, the low mood, and the stomach pains that I had been suffering with for months, had lifted.

My reason for this post, is to reach out to other Coeliac sufferers. I would like to know how you cope in your day to day lives, knowing that the majority of shops and restaurants provide a very small, in comparison to gluten containing foods, selection of gluten free foods. I feel embarrassed each time I go out for a coffee and have to enquire whether there is gluten containing ingredients, and the same when having our dinners out.

I feel there should be more options to make it easier for Coeliac sufferers to obtain tasty and normal foods in any place they choose to go without gluten containing ingredients.

I really hope that my forthcoming blog posts that will include my journey on the gluten free diet will help others. I hope to upload recipes that I trial and give my honest feedback on each one.

Thank you for reading, chat soon,

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