Working, parenting, eating well, exercising, housework, social life etc etc... It can be hard to unwind and find time to not think about the stresses and strains of everyday life.
We come from a generation, where we strive to have the perfect life. Perfection is the only way to be, or so it seems, which is a strain in itself. We live our lives looking at screens; phones, TV's, tablets, smartwatches etc, which can result in feelings of stress and anxiety.
Recently, I have tried to slow down, cut out what isn't necessary and think more simply.
Here are a few things I do to simplify my day.
Have a routine - you will know what to expect.
Get up at the same time everyday, eat at the same time each day, go for a walk at the same time each day and relax at the same time each day.
I find it's good for young children too. My daughter's mood and behaviour always improves when she has a good routine. The expectation at certain times of day helps with behaviour and learning. Having a routine can also help ease the mind, and if a parent is calm the child will be calm.
Keep the house and your surroundings clutter-free.
Try not to have emotional attachment to too many material things, take pictures for treasuring the memories instead.
I cannot function properly if things are cluttered. I like to de-clutter at the beginning/end of each season. I have three piles, one for the bin, one for the charity shop and one for Gumtree/eBay.I clear my wardrobe/cupboards/garage etc, and I am ruthless.
I am really benefitting from doing this and so is the bank balance.
More day to day, I make sure toys are back where they belong when my daughter has gone to bed. All clothes are put away from the dryer, which results in a tidy, clutter free bedroom to relax in. The kitchen is clean and tidy before I settle down to watch any TV and this leaves everything fresh and clean for the following morning.
By appreciating the things you have rather than yearning for things you
Rather than focussing on not liking a part of your body appreciate what it does each day. Appreciate that you are alive, that you have your health.
Being grateful is an important quality. It results in feeling happy and content with life.
Schedule quiet/down time every day.
Whether that be alone or with your family. Switch off the TV and talk to each other, even if it is for ten minutes a day. Having quiet time can refresh you for busier times during the day.
My new quiet time, is after dropping my little one at nursery. I walk home, make a cuppa and catch up on YouTube to have some time to myself.
It really makes a difference.
Get out in the fresh air!
We love a walk in the park with the pup. Since having him, I have noticed that I actually enjoy walking a lot more than I thought. It helps clear my head and appreciate the smaller things. I usually head out early in the morning or just before the sun goes down and I love it.
Eliminate toxic people in your life.
Be with the ones that make you smile, who are positive and genuinely want to be in your life. Friendships and relationships should be pleasurable and not a pressure.
And that's it....I would love to know how you simplify your day.
Thanks for reading.
Michelle xoxox
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